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Dec '10
Black Ops BBaller // 19:39 // 3 replies
I'm interested to know what you all think about Call of Duty: Black Ops. I thought the Single Player Campaign didn't have the same punch that Modern Warfare 2 had, but in hindsight, some of the missions were pretty cool. It's possible I had other things on my mind while playing the game because when I think about it, there was a lot of originality in there, from directing your troops on the ground from outer space to protecting the ground troops from a helicopter in the final mission. The story was confusing as hell, but it finally got interesting when things started coming together towards the end of the game. The ending didn't leave me wanting more like the end of MW2 did. I might have to play it a second time to really appreciate it.

Anyway, I think the multiplayer is where it's at once again. The interface is slick in this one. I kick ass so that helps. My PSN name is glueka. Add me.

Comments Comments
Dec '10
Re: Black Ops clysm // 01:16
This type of game is not interesting to me, but I like this video:

"Shoot the Hinges"

I also like the abbreviation "Codblops."

Dec '10
Re: Black Ops HiVE // 09:48
I've only played through the single-player, which I enjoyed immensely, except for one severe drawback: the teammate NPCs' AI. The number of times they ran straight past enemies, stood in my way, sat on the only bit of cover in the whole area, etc. made the usually hard-but-fair Veteran difficulty frustrating more often than not. I don't know if this is an inherent difference between BO and MW2 but perhaps the level structure and micro-layout in the former makes it more of an issue. There's also a very well-documented difficulty spike in the second? third? mission which I'm surprised wasn't fixed. Still a damn good ride on the whole though. :) Not sure a Treyarch title will ever have the punch that Infinity Ward can muster with their higher budget and manpower, but like WAW before it, I find it solid and entertaining, just a little rough in places.

And I secretly hope that the next CoD game is subtitled Rules of Engagement, only because the acronym would then be COD ROE - fish eggs.

Jan '11
Re: Black Ops JakeX // 17:32
The single player lacked the insanely cool set pieces that Modern Warfare 2 had, but I loved how the missions all had some neat little thing that set it apart from the others. And the plot made sense for once, although I can't really say some of the stuff that goes down struck me as being 'black ops'. Or are huge explosions considered covert now?

Multiplayer is, of course, sharp as glass.

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